THE ONE YOU LOVE 你所愛的人 *。懷舊好聽音樂盒~西洋版 - 6。* 西洋情歌 - THE ONE YOU LOVE-你所愛的人 語法:<p><img 濾桶src="" width=120 border=0 /><br><embed 信用貸款src= width=120 height=45 type=application/x-shockwave-flash" 賣屋allowscriptaccess="none"></embed></p> 瑪丹娜 - Take A Bow-Madonna 語法:<p><img src="" width=120 辦公室出租border=0 /><br><embed src= width=120 height=45 type=application/x-shockwave-flash" 設計裝潢allowscriptaccess="none"></embed></p> 西洋情歌 - The day you went away 語法:<p><img src="" width=120 591border=0 /><br><embed src= width=120 height=45 type=application/x-shockwave-flash" 貸款allowscriptaccess="none"></embed></p> 艾薇兒 - everytime 語法:<p><img src="" width=120 border=0 當鋪/><br><embed src= width=120 height=45 type=application/x-shockwave-flash" G2000allowscriptaccess="none"></embed></p> 西洋老歌 - More than I can say (愛你在心口難開) 語法:<p><img src="" 借貸width=120 border=0 /><br><embed src= width=120 height=45 type=application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="none"></embed></p>

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